Thursday, February 08, 2007

Jane Austen--Teenage Sensation!

Unfortunately, end of the year and beginning of the year ordering left me with no time to blog. However, things have calmed down a little, so hopefully I'll be able to blog again on a regular basis.

For my first post in a long time I just had to share an article that I read this morning from the UK's Telegraph about several new film, TV, and book editions of Jane Austen's works:

Jane Austen to be the latest teenage sensation
Step aside Britney Spears. Movie moguls, television producers and publishers believe this year's teen hit will be the 19th-century "lit girl" Jane Austen....

Read the article:

Best line: "A spokesman for Waterstone's, Britain's biggest bookseller, predicted it would sell more copies of Austen's works than at any time since Colin Firth emerged from a lake during the BBC's adaptation of Pride and Prejudice in 1995..."

Ah Colin Firth. Not sure how I feel about Anne Hathway as Jane Austen, though...


Anonymous said...

Hey. I like Anne Hathaway. It's better than icky Renee Z. at B. Potter. And yes, I'm initialling so I don't have to spell. ;p

Melissa said...

I like Anne Hathaway in general, but I'm always concerned when they choose an American actor to portray a British person.